Terms and Conditions

Obstgarten Homes Booking Conditions 2023

Please take the time to read these terms and conditions are they describe our policies and procedures and clarify the contractual relationship between you and Obstgarten Homes.  For any questions, please contact us.

This notice is issued by Obstgarten Homes Ltd, registered in England and Wales, whose company number is 0882808 and whose registered office is at Orchard Close, Britwell Salome, Watlington, OX49 5LH.

Attention: This legal notice applies to the entire content of the website under the domain name www.obstgartenhomes.com (the “Website”) and to any correspondence by e-mail between Obstgarten Homes and you. This page (together with the documents expressly referred to in it) tells you information about Obstgarten Homes and the legal terms and conditions (“Booking Conditions”) on which Obstgarten Homes provide services. Please read these Booking Conditions carefully before using the Website. Using the Website indicates that you accept these Booking Conditions regardless of whether or not you choose to book with Obstgarten Homes. If you do not accept these Booking Conditions, please do not use the Website.


The following definitions and rules of interpretation apply in these booking conditions:

Booking Confirmation: the confirmation of booking provided by email to the Customer when a booking has been accepted.

Booking Deposit: one-third of the Rental Fees, provided that the booking is submitted more than eight weeks before the Rental Start Date.

Booking Form: the booking form completed by, or on behalf of, the Customer.

Obstgarten Homes: Obstgarten Homes Ltd incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 0882808 whose registered office is at Orchard Close, Britwell Salome, Watlington, OX49 5LH. 

Customer: the person who submits the Booking Form.

Conditions: these booking conditions.

Rental End Date: the last day of the Rental Period.

Event Outside Control: any act or event beyond Obstgarten Homes’ reasonable control, including without limitation fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, any law or any action taken by a government or public authority, including, without limitation, imposing restrictions on movement or quarantine, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks.

Housekeeper: the person appointed by the Obstgarten Homes, who is responsible for the cleaning of the Property.

Inventory: the inventory of fixtures, furniture and effects at the Property, a copy of which may be kept at the Property.

Optional Extras: additional items which may be made available at the Property (and charged separately) if confirmed in the Booking Confirmation.

Property: the house and garden (if any) identified in the Booking Confirmation together with the fixtures, furniture and effects which may be specified in the Inventory.

Rental Fees: the total amount due from a Customer in respect of a booking of the Property.

Rental Period: the rental period specified in the Booking Confirmation.

Start Date: the first day of the Rental Period.

Website: Obstgarten Homes’ website currently located at www.obsgartenhomes.com together with such other websites which may be created by Obstgarten Homes.

  • 1.1 The rental arrangements are made by Obstgarten Homes and this forms the contractual relationship between Obstgarten Homes and the Customer

    1.2 The rental periods commence at 4pm on the start date and end at 10am on the end date, unless agreed in writing in advance by Obstgarten Homes. The customer may be charged additional costs associated with an unauthorised extension of their stay.

    1.3 Once a Booking Form is received, with the corresponding deposit (as defined in section 2 below), Obstgarten Homes will send a Booking Confirmation to the customer, at which point a binding contract is formed, to include these Terms and Conditions.

    1.4 Obstgarten Homes reserves the right to refuse a booking.

    1.5 The Customer who completes the Booking Form agrees that they are authorised by all Guests to accept these Terms and Conditions.

    1.6 The Customer who completes the booking form must be over 18 and take responsibility for the Guests occupying the Property

    1.7 In the case of a breach of any of these Terms and Conditions by the Customer and/or Guests, Obstgarten Homes reserve the right to re-enter the Property and terminate the contract that exists between the Customer and Obstgarten Homes.

  • 2.1 The fees due and dates they are due will be on the Booking Form

    2.2 If the booking is made more than 8 weeks prior to the Rental start date, a Booking Deposit is payable when the Booking Form is submitted.

    2.3 If the booking is made less than 8 weeks prior to the Rental start date, the full Rental Fees, plus any additional charges is payable when the Booking Form is submitted.

    2.4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Obstgarten Homes, the Rental Fee is as stated on the booking form and due at on the date stated. The customer is responsible for the payment of these fees and additional charges on the due date. Non-payment of these fees by the due date will be treated as a cancellation.

    2.5 If a deposit has been paid, but the balance is not received by Obstgarten Homes, it will be deemed that the customer has cancelled the booking and Obstgarten Homes will retain the deposit.

    2.6 Obstgarten Homes will not be responsible for sending payment reminders of the due dates, as detailed on the Booking Form.

  • 3.1 Once a Booking Confirmation has been sent, changes can only be made with written consent by Obstgarten Homes.

    3.2 If a Customer would like to cancel the booking, Obstgarten Homes must be notified in writing. The cancellation is only confirmed once an email of confirmation is received by the Customer from Obstgarten Homes.

    3.3 Depending on when the cancellation is received will reflect on the cancellation charge. These charges are set out below.

    0-13 days before start date:
    100% Cancellation Fee (as a percentage of Rental Fee)

    4-27 days before start date:
    75% Cancellation Fee (as a percentage of Rental Fee)

    28-55 days before start date:
    60% Cancellation Fee (as a percentage of Rental Fee)

    55+ days before start date:

    3.4 Obstgarten Homes strongly recommends that Customers and Guests take out cancellation insurance with regard to their booking

    3.5 Obstgarten Homes reserve the right to amend prices due to errors or omissions. These will be communicated to the Customer as soon as possible. The Customer may end the contract if there are significant changes to the price.

  • 4.1 Payments may be made by credit card, debit card or electronic bank transfer

    4.2 Customers booking from outside the United Kingdom must pay in GBP sterling by Mastercard, Visa or by electronic transfer. Any charges incurred by Obstgarten Homes for payments from overseas will be passed onto the Customer.

  • The Customer agree to:

    5.1 pay for all additional utilities not included in the Rental Fees.

    5.2 report to Obstgarten Homes any damage, destruction or disrepair to the property or items on the inventory as soon as possible and to pay for the losses or damages caused by a Guest.

    5.3 take good care of the property and leave it clean and tidy at the Rental End Date. Cleaning is not provided during the Rental Period, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Obstgarten Homes. If Obstgarten Homes are dissatisfied with the condition of the Property upon the Customers’ departure, they reserve the right to refuse future bookings and to charge for any additional expenses incurred to get the Property ready for the next guests.

    5.4 always permit representatives of Obstgarten Homes access to the property, without notice.

    5.5 not sell or transfer the booking to another party without previous written confirmation by Obstgarten Homes.

    5.6 only allow Guests on the Booking Confirmation to occupy the Property

    5.7 only allow children under the age of 24 months to use the cot provided, if requested.

    5.8 not smoke at the property.

    5.9 not to be an annoyance to adjoining properties.

    5.10 only use designated car parking spaces and only bring average sized cars (such as a family hatchback). Obstgarten Homes accept no liability for cars parked at the property.

    5.11 treat representatives of Obstgarten Homes with respect.

  • 6.1 All our properties offer Wi-Fi and details of this will be found on the individual property’s descriptions. The provision of Wi-Fi is subject to availability and network conditions.

    6.2 Bed lining and towels will be provided fresh at the Rental Start Date. If the Customer requires fresh linen and towels during the rental period, this may be agreed to by Obstgarten Homes at an additional charge.

    6.3 Properties will have an inventory available. If there are any discrepancies, please inform Obstgarten Homes within 24 hours, otherwise the inventory will be deemed as correct.

  • 6.1 The website tries to be as informative as possible and give recommendations for local facilities. Closure of these facilities are out of Obstgarten Homes control. We provide the information as general information and Customers and Guests should not rely on our website alone for this information.

  • 8.1 Pets are not permitted at any Obstgarten Homes properties however, we cannot guarantee that there have not been pets previously kept at the property.

  • 9.1 All complaints must be communicated to Obstgarten Homes as soon as possible as Obstgarten Homes or their representatives may need access to the property for investigation and take action.

    9.2 The customer agrees the Obstgarten Homes shall be given the opportunity to investigate all complaints within a reasonable time and given the opportunity to correct these issues during of after the Rental Period.

  • 4.1 Payments may be made by credit card, debit card or electronic bank transfer

    4.2 Customers booking from outside the United Kingdom must pay in GBP sterling by Mastercard, Visa or by electronic transfer. Any charges incurred by Obstgarten Homes for payments from overseas will be passed onto the Customer.

  • 11.1 If there is any ambiguity between these Terms and Conditions and the information on the Website, these Conditions prevail.

    11.2 These Terms and Conditions supersede all previous Websites and Terms and Conditions.

  • 12.1 Nothing in these Conditions excludes or limits the liability of Obstgarten Homes for Death or personal injury due to Obstgarten Homes’ negligence

    12.2 Obstgarten Homes are not responsibly for any loss that is not foreseeable, this includes the non-availability of the property caused by and Event Outside of Control. If this takes place, the Customer will be contacted as soon as possible.

    12.3 Obstgarten Homes is not liable for any business losses. The Properties are only rented for domestic and private use. If any Customers or Guests use the Property for commercial business, Obstgarten Properties will have no liability for effects on the business and reserve the right to cancel the Rental immediately on discovering the Property being used for commercial business.

    6.3 Properties will have an inventory available. If there are any discrepancies, please inform Obstgarten Homes within 24 hours, otherwise the inventory will be deemed as correct.

  • If the court finds all or part of a condition is invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, the other conditions shall remain in force.